Advanced Tanks and RDA / RBA / RTA

Advanced Tanks and RDA / RBA / RTA

smok-mag-ecig-kit-04b.jpgAdvanced vaping tanks, hybrid tanks, rebuildable atomisers (RBA) and rebuildable dripping atomisers (RDA).

Study vaping at great length on the internet before using advanced vaping devices, mod batteries, RDAs, RBAs and low resistance coils.

QUALITY: You very much get what you pay for; higher-cost tanks are designed and engineered to higher standards, give you more control over your vaping experience and can produce more vapour than low-cost clearomisers/cartomisers/e-cigarettes. SEE our ADVICE page for tips and information about vaping, e-cigarettes and e-liquids.


Sub-ohm tanks need suitable Mod Batteries and is for experienced vapers. Sub-ohm vaping is at your own risk. Some sub-ohm tanks and builds are capable of producing vast amounts of cloud. If you're new to sub-ohm vaping then you must study it on the internet and take advice first. You will need controllable Mods using high-drain high-wattage batteries and an RDA/RBA tank with relatively low resistance atomisers/coils (less than 1 ohm total), very high percentage VG e-liquids and low or zero nicotine levels.

See the OHM'S LAW Calculator to work out the voltage and wattage you need for your specific coil's resistance (ohms). TAKE GREAT CARE - using the wrong battery/coil combination could cause batteries to over-heat or even explode.